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Species of the month


Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur


Hapalemur griseus

Hapalemur griseus

Some facts about this lemur:

Head-body length: 24–40 cm.
Tail length: 32–40 cm.
Weight: 0.7–1 kg.
Range: Endemic to Madagascar.
Diet: Mainly bamboo.
Life span: Up to 17 years (in captivity).
Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) [IUCN Red List].
First described: By the German naturalist and botanist Johann Link in 1795.

Hapalemur griseus can tolerate the bamboo toxic cyanide compounds that would poison most other mammals. Lives in groups which range from two to nine, with each group typically containing an adult male, one or two breeding females, and offspring. Has distinct calls in response to different types of predators.

(Archived from Template:Species of the week)